The Low Carb Way to Weight Loss
How to go about low carb diet?
Low carb diet is an umbrella term that includes various dietary strategies, the main goal of which is the reduction of bodily weight by means of decreased carbohydrate consumption. As carbohydrates (i.e. sugars and starches) are featured mainly in bread, rice, pastries, etc., most low carb diets prescribe the reduced consumption of these foods as their number 1 rule.
If you have heard positive feedback about the low carb approach to weight loss and want to give it try, you should take the following preliminary steps:
Get Well-informed and Make an Informed Choice
Consider your previous diet history. What influence did high carbohydrate diets have on you? Have you had any experience with low carb diets? If both types of diets didn't come to any good, then it is best if you try a moderate carb diet first.
Also, examine your medical history and present condition to ensure a low carb diet will not harm your health. It will be best if you consult a physician or a dietary specialist.
Choose a Low Carb Diet that Suits You Best
Visit your local library/ bookstore or browse over the internet for information about the different low carb diets available. Some of the most popular diets are the Atkins, South Beach, Protein Power, Sugar Busters, and Zone diets. Do extensive research to determine which one will produce the best results in your situation. Typically, these diets will differ in the type of foods and consumption levels allowed, their duration, and the carb reduction rate. Therefore, when deciding on a diet, consider what parameters of these factors will suit your daily ground, work routine, medical conditions, etc.

If research is not your thing, you may try the 'No White Diet' which reduces the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. In essence, you will reduce the intake of foods that contain sugar (Coke, candy, alcohol), white flour (products like pasta, donuts, and bread), potatoes, and white rice. Other foods such as onions, cauliflower, and tofu are also considered white but they are low in carbohydrates. In addition, non-starchy vegetables are recommended as part of the low carb diet. Such vegetables are celery, sprouts (e.g. alfalfa and beans), herbs (rosemary, parsley, thyme, basil, cilantro, etc), hearty greens such as mustard greens and collards, sea vegetables, radishes, etc. Among the high carb vegetables are pumpkin, carrots, peas, potatoes, winter squashes, parsnips, corn, sweat potatoes, plantains, and beets. In general, sweater and starchier vegetables are to be avoided when on a low carb diet.
Start Making Changes
While doing your research, do not dawdle, but start making changes in your eating habits as well as in your fridge. Give away the high carb foods and stock low carb products. Begin the gradual decrease of your carb consumption. Be careful, however, not to overdo in your eagerness for quick success. Remember, you won't get a perfect and healthy body overnight; you will need a lot of patience, self-discipline, and perseverance.
Find Support
The first weeks with the new diet will be a tough deal for you. You will probably be tempted to try an old fave meal "just once, as a reward" or chuck away a product featured in your diet as soon as you have tasted it. For this reason, you will need some support to get through this testing period. Look for people who have already been through this ordeal. If you can't find them in your area, search online - there are plenty of virtual groups, which will help you in your battle for a healthy - and attractive - body.